2013年3月6日 星期三

wisdom® Apparel 2013 Collection : Mt.GENTLEMAN

wisdom® Apparel 2013 Collection : Mt.GENTLEMAN

wisdom 2013年度概念製作,以沈穩的優雅品味、成熟的大人感,定調主題為”Mt.GENTLEMAN”,將outdoor的戶外旅人元素融入了古典都會的仕紳風格,表達出”山系紳士”的示範樣貌,看似簡單卻更是層次周嚴的思考設計,除了務求在機能上提供更親膚的選擇與隨身收納用途,造型上也豐富玩味了跨界的素材應用以及出眾的面料工法等不同組合,讓wisdom的”山系紳士”呈現多元而洗鍊的自在光景!

“Mt. Gentleman”, wisdom’s 2013 design concept, is grounded in the search for a mature style guided by a sturdy yet graceful eye. Each piece features elements that involve a mixture of the rugged outdoorsman and the sophisticated urban dweller to create its own unique look, which strives for designs that are simple yet multi-layered. This line not only includes a careful focus on functionality but also provides the wearer with a look flush with enjoyment using a blend of quality materials familiar to various lifestyle/cultures. Thus wisdom presents to you our 2013 Mt. Gentleman line.

Written by wisdom® apparel March 2013

